html scroll box, how to create html scroll box, web page scroll box, html vertical auto scrolling box, html horizontal auto scrolling box, html marquee, guide create web page scroll box
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This site provides users with the information about html scroll box, how to create html scroll box, web page scroll box, html vertical auto scrolling box, html horizontal auto scrolling box, html marquee, guide, and more.

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Html scroll box sometimes is very useful to reduce the total length of your web page by placing long list of text in the scroll box.

The following is the code for the scroll box with color. You can feel free to copy and paste it to your web page.

Now let's have a look at the above code in action in the following:

This is the text for testing purpose. This is the text for testing purpose. This is the text for testing purpose. This is the text for testing purpose.


In order for the scroll bar to appear, you should add enough text or change the size of the box in the code.

In the following, we will show you two auto-scrolling with html marquee examples:

1. Code for vertical auto-scrolling

See it in action:

The code was designed by

2. Code for horizontal auto-scrolling

See in in action:

This code was designed by This code was designed by

(Website Helper) create html scroll box (c) EduSoftMax -