html delete default text, input box text, how to automatically delete default text, input box text when click on it, tips, guide how to automatically delete default html text box text
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how to automatically delete default html text box text

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Sometimes you need to provide the visitors an example for the text typing into a html text / input box and when visitors click on the text box, the default text automatically disappeared so that visitors can type their own's. To delete the default html text / input box text is not that difficult. The only important thing you need to do is to add the following tag into the Input / text box statement:

onfocus = "value=''"

Let's first see how it works as follows:

Please type your domain name in the following:

The following is the whole code for deleting the default html text / input box text:

Please type your domain name in the following:
< INPUT type="text" name="url" value="" size="50" onfocus="value=''" >

1. Change the Value="" text to the default text you prefer to be displayed in your text box.

(Website Helper) default text box text (c) EduSoftMax -