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How to creat a asp function?

The following is the code for creating asp function:

1. asp function with "function"

< % function Square(num) Square = num * num end function 'Returns 25 Response.Write(Square(5)) % >
2. asp function with "sub"

< % sub ShowProfit(Revenue, Overhead, Commission, Admin) 'Create a variable to store our profit Dim Profit Profit = CDbl(Revenue - (Overhead + Commission + Admin)) Response.Write("$" & Profit) end sub 'Call the sub with four parameters 'Will output $100.0 ShowProfit 150, 25, 10, 15 % >
3. asp function without parameter

< % function show_message() Response.Write("Display message with parameter") end function show_message % >
(Website Helper) create asp function (c) EduSoftMax -