vb, visual basic, vb6, message box, yes, no message box, how to use msgbox, example vb: use messsage box
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vb: how to use messsage box, yes, no msgbox?

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How to use messsage box, yes, no msgbox in vb?

Let's first look at its syntax as follows:

MsgBox(prompt[, buttons] [, title] [, helpfile,

Prompt: text of the message box
buttons: vbCritical, vbQuestion, vbExclamation, and vbInformation.
title: title of the message box
helpfile: These arguments are only applicable when a Help file has been set up to work with the application. It is optional.

The following is the code for using messsage box, yes, no msgbox in vb:

1. Basic message box / msgbox

MsgBox "Please enter your name first.", _ vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, _ "Account Information"
2. Yes or no message box / msgbox

Dim iResponse As Integer iResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure that you want to delete all the records?", _ vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _ "Deletion") If iResponse = vbYes Then Msgbox "All the records have been deleted!" else Msgbox "All the records have not been deleted!" End If
(Website Helper) vb: use messsage box (c) EduSoftMax - www.edusoftmax.com