vb, visual basic, vb6, how to auto expand control, stretch controls auto resize control
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How to auto resize, expand, stretch controls?

The program provided here will automatically change the size of all the controls when the form is dragged larger or smaller. But you should note that the picture and the combbox cannot be resized. The following is how to design the program:

1. Add the following code in declare section:

Option Explicit Private Type ControlDef Left As Integer Top As Integer Width As Integer Height As Integer FontSize As Integer End Type Private s_ControlPositions() As ControlDef Private s_FormWid As Integer Private s_FormHgt As Integer Private i As Integer Private s_control As Control Private x_scale As Integer Private y_scale As Integer
2. Create a sub with the name of SaveOriginalSizes and the code inside like the following:

Private Sub SaveOriginalSizes() On Error Resume Next ReDim s_ControlPositions(1 To Controls.Count) i = 1 For Each s_control In Controls With s_ControlPositions(i) If TypeOf s_control Is Line Then .Left = s_control.X1 .Top = s_control.Y1 .Width = s_control.X2 - s_control.X1 .Height = s_control.Y2 - s_control.Y1 Else .Left = s_control.Left .Top = s_control.Top .Width = s_control.Width .Height = s_control.Height .FontSize = s_control.Font.Size End If End With i = i + 1 Next s_control s_FormWidth = ScaleWidth s_FormHeight = ScaleHeight End Sub
3. Create a sub with the name of AutoResizeControls and the code inside like the following:

Private Sub AutoResizeControls() On Error Resume Next If WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub x_scale = ScaleWidth / s_FormWidth y_scale = ScaleHeight / s_FormHeight i = 1 For Each s_control In Controls With s_ControlPositions(i) If TypeOf s_control Is Line Then s_control.X1 = x_scale * .Left s_control.Y1 = y_scale * .Top s_control.X2 = s_control.X1 + x_scale * .Width s_control.Y2 = s_control.Y1 + y_scale * .Height Else s_control.Left = x_scale * .Left s_control.Top = y_scale * .Top s_control.Width = x_scale * .Width If Not (TypeOf s_control Is ComboBox) Then s_control.Height = y_scale * .Height End If s_control.Font.Size = y_scale * .FontSize End If End With i = i + 1 Next s_control End Sub
4. In Form_Load, you need first save the original sizes of the controls and the code like the following:

Private Sub Form_Load() 'for testing WebBrowser, you need to add a WebBrowser control WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://www.edusoftmax.com/" SaveOriginalSizes End Sub
5. In Form_Resize, you need to call the resize function and the code like the following:

Private Sub Form_Resize() AutoResizeControls End Sub
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