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vb: how to read and write array?

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vb: how to read and write array?

The following is the way to read and write array in visual basic programming:

Private Sub Command6_Click()

    Dim LinesArr() As String
    ReDim LinesArr(50)
    Dim tmp As Integer
    Dim LinesRead As Integer
    LinesRead = 0
    Open App.Path & "\sorteddate.txt" For Input As #1  
    Do While Not EOF(1)
        If LinesRead = UBound(LinesArr) Then
           ReDim Preserve LinesArr(UBound(LinesArr) + 50)
        End If
         'read a line
         Line Input #1, LinesArr(LinesRead)
         LinesRead = LinesRead + 1
    'redim to actual size
    ReDim Preserve LinesArr(LinesRead - 1)
    Close #1

    For tmp = 0 To UBound(LinesArr)
        MsgBox LinesArr(tmp)
    Next tmp
End Sub

Use of static array as follows:

Dim tmp As Integer
tmp1 = "001121"
tmp2 = "001122"
tmp3 = "001123"
Dim mArray, mDay
mArray = Array(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3)

' Return values assume lower bound set to 1 
' (using Option Base statement).

'mDay = mWeek(2)   ' mDay contains "Tue".
'mDay = mWeek(4)   ' mDay contains "Thu".
For tmp = 0 To UBound(mArray)
   MsgBox mArray(tmp)
Next tmp

(Website Helper) how to use array (c) EduSoftMax - www.edusoftmax.com