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This site provides users with the information about secured pdf, how to copy text from secured pdf, tips, tricks, guide, and more.

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There was a time when you tried to copy text from pdf file for the purpose of taking notes, but the software did not allow you to do it. And you saw "(Secured)" on the title bar of the software. The word "Secured" means that you cannot copy the document. It is almost important for you to unsecure the pdf file and make some copies of the text from that pdf file. But there is one way that you can use to copy the text of the pdf file. The following tells you how.

1. Search "convert pdf to doc" with google search engine and you can find many free pdf to doc converter.

2. convert pdf file to doc file.

3. Now you can copy text from that Word .doc file.

In this way, you can save lots of time typing the text you want.

(Website Helper) secured pdf (c) EduSoftMax -