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php: how to read file, write file, append file?

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How to read file, write file, and append file in php?

The following is the code to read file, write file, and append file in php:

1. How to write file in php?

< ?php $file = "test.txt"; $f_handle = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $inputData = "this is a test\n"; fwrite(f_handle, $inputData); fclose(f_handle); ? >

'w' is for writing or replacing the entire contents of the file. For append, use 'a'.

2. How to read file in php?

< ?php $file = "test.txt"; $f_handle = fopen($file, "r"); while (!feof($f_handle)) { $line = fgets($f_handle); echo $line; } fclose($f_handle); ? >
An example of reading entire file:

< ?php $file = "test.txt"; $entire_file = file_get_contents($file); echo $entire_file; ? >
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