open iframe in new window, how to open iframe in new window, tips, tricks, guide open iframe in new window
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This site provides users with the information about open iframe in new window, how to open iframe in new window, tips, tricks, guide, and more.

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Most of the website designers know that if they want a web page opened in a new window, they use "target=_blank", but "target=_blank" does not work for iframe. Many times, webmasters do not want the surfers to leave their page after they click the ad with iframe. There is a very simple way that you can let iframe opened in a new window. Here is what you need to do:

Instead of using "target=_blank", you use "&lt1=_new". The following is an example:

Original code:

<iframe src="
width="728" height="90" scrolling="no" border="0" style="border:none;"frameborder="0">

Insert &lt1=_new:

<iframe src="
width="728" height="90" scrolling="no" border="0" style="border:none;"frameborder="0">

(Website Helper) iframe in new window (c) EduSoftMax -