html text link tooltips, how to create text link tooltips, tips, guide how to create text link tooltips
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This site provides users with the information about html text link tooltips, how to create text link tooltips, tips, guide, and more.

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As a website designer, you, of course, know that image uses alt="" attribute to create a small popup of text, tooltip when you move the mouse over it. Is there any way that we can do the same for Hyperlinks? The asnwer is yes. You can use a TITLE attribute in <A HREF> tag to get the same effect.

The following is the html code for text link tooltips:

<A HREF="" 
TITLE="code was desinged by"></A>

Now let's see how the above code is in action by moving your mouse pointer over the link.

(Website Helper) create text link tooltips (c) EduSoftMax -