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asp: how to get search engine query keywords?

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asp: how to get search engine query keywords?

There are three methods that you can use to get search engine referrer query keywords. The first is to use "request.querystring" without parameter, the second is to use "request.querystring" with parameter, and the last is to use your own querystring. Let's have a look at them one after another in the following:

1. Use "request.querystring" without parameter

For using this method, you need to use string manipulation methods like "mid", "left", "right", "instr", or "instrrev". Let's see an example:

The query you got:;_ylt=A0geu8BhMQdPw2UAH9brFAx.?p=test+code&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-715&type_param=&rd=r1

The method you use:

search_engine =mid(request.querystring, instr(request.querystring, "p=")+2, len(request.querystring))
search_engine = left(search_engine, instr(search_engine, "&"))

Please note that if the query was encoded, you need to use the following urldecode function to decode the encoded query:

Function URLDecode(s_Convert)

Dim s_Split
Dim s_Output
Dim I

on error resume next

If IsNull(s_Convert) Then
   URLDecode = ""
   Exit Function
End If

s_Output = REPLACE(s_Convert, "+", " ")

s_Split = Split(s_Output, "%")

If IsArray(s_Split) Then
   s_Output = s_Split(0)
   For I = 0 to UBound(s_Split) - 1
      s_Output = s_Output & _
      Chr("&H" & Left(s_Split(i + 1), 2)) & _
      Right(s_Split(i + 1), Len(s_Split(i + 1)) - 2)
End If

s_Decoded = s_Output
End Function
For encoding, use the following code:


2. Use "request.querystring" with parameter

For using this method, you first need to find out "URL parameter" and then use the following code:

request.querystring("q") 'for google

The following are the parameters for major search engines:

1) Google

The parameter for search keywords is "q"

2) Yahoo;_ylt=A0geu8BhMQdPw2UAH9brFAx.?p=test+code&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-715&type_param=&rd=r1

The parameter for search keywords is "p"

3) Bing

The parameter for search keywords is "q"

4) AOL

The parameter for search keywords is "query"

5) Baidu

The parameter for search keywords is "wd"

3. Use your own querystring

You can also use your own querystring to get the search keywords like the following:

If the other two methods fail, you can use this method to obtain the search keywords. After getting the query string, you can use method 1 to get the search keywords.

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